Sunday, June 24, 2018


We are in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  My granddaughter is quite taken with cats and researched some cat places to visit.  One was the Poozenboot, a houseboat, moored on the Singel Canal (# 38 Singel, if you should ever visit), which is now a charitable foundation cat sanctuary.  It has room for 55 cats available for adoption as well several  felines that are permanent residents.  The resident cats wander freely throughout the houseboat.  Visitors are encouraged to visit the cats on certain days at specific times to socialize with the 'residents'.  Many soak up the attention while some shun affection from too enthusiastic a visitor.  While we were there my grandchildren got out toys from the toys box and played with the cats.  Some were high up over their cages and could survey the world from their lofty perch.  Some wandered the outside walkway, set up with fencing, to protect the cats and keeping them from falling into the canal.    The charity volunteers told us the passing swans often hiss at the cats as they swim by and  the cats hiss back.  This is a great free family activity for an Amsterdam visit.  Even the adults had a good time.
S loving two of the Poozenboot residents.

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